Tetsuo Kobori



NICCA INNOVATION CENTER won special prize at Dedalo Minosse Architecture Award

NICCA INNOVATION CENTER won special prize at Dedalo Minosse Architecture Award. The Dedalo Minosse Architectural Award is an international architectural award established in 1997. It was selected as a work based on the philosophy that “excellent architecture requires the presence of both a good client and a great architect.” The prize is awarded not only by the architect but also by the client.

The name of the award is derived from the architect Daedalus, who appears in Greek mythology and his client, Minos. The award ceremony was held at the end of September in Vicenza, Northern Italy. Vicenza has a lot of Palladian architectural works and the awarding ceremony was held in Palladio-designed Teatro Olimpico, while the award-winning party and exhibitions/ presentations were held at the Palladio-designed Basilica.

NICCA INNOVATION CENTER received the prestigious Dedalo Minosse Special Award, for the high quality design and constructed architecture achieved through workshops with clients and also based on climate, local community and history. A traveling architecture exhibition will be held around the world next year, starting in Italy at Italian Cultural Center and arriving in Japan in the fall.

NICCA INNOVATION CENTERが、デダロ・ミノッセ建築賞で特別賞を受賞しました。デダロ・ミノッセ建築賞は1997年に設立された国際建築賞で、「優れた建築には良き発注者と素晴らしい建築家の双方の存在が必要である」という理念のもと、選ばれた作品には建築家だけでなく発注者にも賞が授与されます。


NICCA INNOVATION CENTERでは、風土、地域社会、歴史を踏まえたクライアントとのワークショップを通して、極めて質の高い建築を設計、建設したということで、デダロミノッセ特別賞という名誉ある賞をいただきました。来年から世界各国へ巡回建築展覧会が展開され、日本では秋頃、イタリア文化会館で行われる予定です。

展示会の様子 / State of the exhibition